Friday, March 03, 2006

Local charities

Thanks for your comments - Laurie, I think there are a number of groups doing good work, here are some links.

My church - - is running a disaster relief center from its parking lot and is providing volunteers and cash assistance to families in the surrounding Broadmoor neighborhood. It was featured in a USA Today article at

The LA SPCA rescued thousands of animals from the flooding and lost its building. It's running on fumes. Their address is Adopting a homeless animal is also a great way to help.

Habitat for Humanity is constantly building, and is working in partnership with other organizations. Their address is They also have volunteer opportunities ongoing.

And Children's Hospital is operating clinics for displaced families around the area who lost their medical insurance.

I've posted as much detail as I have about our particular situation because I don't think many people around the country have a good idea how frustrating it is here for a couple hundred thousand people with the same problems. There's so much said about how many billions are allocated to rebuilding - but that money doesn't go to the families, it's needed for rebuilding infrastructure. When even up-to-date insurance won't pay off your mortgage or repair the house, you're left with an entire city full of people - rich, poor, and middle class alike - over the proverbial barrel.


At 2:41 AM, Blogger blah said...

Hi I surfed into your screwholland blog via google and thought it was fabulous. Couldnt see a way to comment on there though so chose your other blog to leave a message! I too am the mum of an ex 25 weeker with delays. Please feel free to drop by our prematurity forum and say hi. your daughter is beautiful btw!

At 2:43 AM, Blogger blah said...

hi i surfed into your screwholland blog via google but couldnt see a way to leave a comment on that one so linked to this one instead! Just wanted to say your daughter is beautiful! I too am the parent of a preemie ( ex 25 weeker now 31 months) with delays. Please feel free to drop by our prematurity forum.


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