Fun with contractors
Ack, it's been a while since I've checked in. We've been in moving hell. I have tons to update though! Forgive the serial posts.
The last time I postedly, we were waiting for Lafitte the shoring man to get his guys back to work leveling the house. After a week long holdup, we finally hired our own plumber to disconnect the pipes under the house so the rest of the job could resume. It was about three hours of work on a Friday afternoon.
So Monday morning we get a call from Lafitte's site manager, Alan, who seems to think he's doing us an enormous favor by doing his job. Now, they've discovered a heating duct that needs to be disconnected, and we need to get someone else out to do it. Mr. Nola reminded him that we're replacing all the ductwork anyway, so it wouldn't matter if the crew damages it, they should just rip it out and move ahead. At most, disconnecting the duct would take about an hour.
At this point Alan replied that HIS guys don't do that, and he wouldn't want to WASTE THEIR TIME. It's kind of fun when Mr. Nola gets mad. He's normally so friendly that it comes as a surprise when he starts looking like Lou Ferigno and spewing expletives. He didn't actually cuss Alan out, he just reminded Alan that we'd already had a week of OUR time wasted and we were the ones writing the checks. Then he called Alan's boss.
Somehow, the duct got disconnected, and if the shoring crew were disgusted that we were misusing their skills, we didn't hear about it. The jacking of the house proceeded on Monday as planned.
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