Local charities
Thanks for your comments - Laurie, I think there are a number of groups doing good work, here are some links.
My church - http://www.annunciationinexile.homestead.com - is running a disaster relief center from its parking lot and is providing volunteers and cash assistance to families in the surrounding Broadmoor neighborhood. It was featured in a USA Today article at http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2006-02-23-NO-churches_x.htm.
The LA SPCA rescued thousands of animals from the flooding and lost its building. It's running on fumes. Their address is http://www.la-spca.org. Adopting a homeless animal is also a great way to help.
Habitat for Humanity is constantly building, and is working in partnership with other organizations. Their address is http://www.habitat-nola.org. They also have volunteer opportunities ongoing.
And Children's Hospital is operating clinics for displaced families around the area who lost their medical insurance. http://www.chnola.org/katrina/donate.htm.
I've posted as much detail as I have about our particular situation because I don't think many people around the country have a good idea how frustrating it is here for a couple hundred thousand people with the same problems. There's so much said about how many billions are allocated to rebuilding - but that money doesn't go to the families, it's needed for rebuilding infrastructure. When even up-to-date insurance won't pay off your mortgage or repair the house, you're left with an entire city full of people - rich, poor, and middle class alike - over the proverbial barrel.